Beyond our own shortcomings of imagination, this may be down to the variety of projects that have been activated on Landmrk. When you have music acts as diverse as Keith Richards and nascent Latino boyband CNCO using the platform to launch new albums, retailers as different as CeX and Tesco’s thinking up smart ways to drive footfall to their branches, and marquee TV series like “Homeland” using Landmrk to effectively turn Manhattan into its own branded playground, it can be hard to find a common strand. Which is why we decided to put more thought into what Landmrk is, what it does and how it may develop in the future.
On the face of it, Landmrk is a geofencing platform. We use GPS technology to create a virtual geographic boundary whereby content is unlocked on entry and resecured on departure. But when these boundaries indicate something more — in the case of alt-J, a calm, serene space in which the band would prefer their music was first listened to — then something else can happen. This is not just in the sense that content is being placed in a fresh context, but that a complete experience is being built around the activation, making it more memorable and forging a new kind of connection with your audience. Something which, aligns very strongly with the principles and ambitions of Experiential Marketing.